Saturday 12 January 2013

How would it feel to run a marathon?

For many of us the feeling of running any kind of distance simply fills us with horror. When you first start running (or any kind of exercise) never having done it before, you may well find it really uncomfortable!

But try and think how it feels for those people that do manage it - they have looks of triumph and elation when they pass the line - even if earlier in the race they looked like it was killing them. Look at others in the race, they actually look as though they are enjoying the process - they may not be the fastest, but they are loving every minute of it.

Many run for a charity and that motivates them to finish the race when they are struggling - and then they have the double whammy of finishing and doing good for other people.

The amount and type of training that people do to run varies wildly - there are a few lucky ones that can "just do it", and there are others (like me) who have to really work at it. Actually, I think that I am one of the lucky ones: it it didn't require effort, I don't think I'd get nearly as much from running as I do.

When I started in 2005, I couldn't run a mile. It took me a month to be able to complete my first lap of the park. Then I did two laps, then three and then started heading off and exploring. Many people managed better then me when they first started training, others struggled for longer. I admire those that found it tougher than me and kept at it: in my opinion, theirs is the greater achievement!

So keep at it, foot in front of foot, any one can do it if they want it!

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