Tuesday 29 January 2013

Getting Hooked on Fitness

Here's a weird question for a fitness blog: do you or have you ever smoked? Do you know someone who smoked?

How long did it take to get hooked? One cigarette? A packet? Several packets?

In effect, just how easy or difficult was it to form an unbreakable habit?

Certainly, getting hooked on smoking for many people isn't easy! The first few cigarettes are absolutely horrible: you cough and splutter and choke and wonder "where's the fun!?"

Smoking is a really bad habit to form and its chemically addictive (I won't go into all the "it'll kill ya!" stuff, that's actually not what this post is about.

The point is, that people who get hooked on smoking don't get hooked straight away; they have to go through a period when it is really horrible.

Yet they get hooked!

Now take fitness; many people starting out really struggle - they cough and splutter and choke! Yet the benefits are immense.

Obviously, I wouldn't be into Personal Training and fitness if I didn't enjoy feeling comfortable in my own body. And I had to form a habit and a routine in order to get and maintain a level of fitness - I've not always been into fitness and I nearly threw up in the first circuits class I went to!

The message: getting hooked isn't easy - stick with it: you're worth it!

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