Wednesday 30 January 2013

Disgusting Digestion - kiddies book thats actually quite good!

I was given four of these Horrible Science books for Christmas; I thought "oh, uh, thank you." And wasn't quite sure what to say. They're actually quite entertaining and informative.

I keep them in the bathroom and dive into one of them at random. This morning I was looking at a page on the energy value of foods, so here's my own puzzle:

In the table below, join the food stuff on the right with the actual calories in the left.  Put your answers as comments to this post - I'll put the actual answer into a separate post next week -

Food Item
A. Apple1. 160KCals
B. Turkey (100g)2. 22KCals
C. Baked Potato (300g)3. 487KCals
D. Tomato (medium)4. 278KCals
E. Egg (medium)5. 66KCals
F. Butter Beans (100g)6. 94KCals
G. McDonalds French Fries (large)7. 338KCals

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