Sunday 3 March 2013

What to Expect from Personal Training

Initial Consultation

I offer a free face-to-face consultation that allows us to get to know each other.  You have an opportunity to ask questions, say what you want to achieve through your training and tell me what your likes and dislikes are, and I find out whether I can help you and in what ways.  Personal Training is a partnership and requires commitment and trust between the trainer and client: we must feel comfortable with each other!

During this meeting, if you've not already completed them, you may be asked to complete a couple of questionnaires designed to help me plan your fitness program and determine whether there are any Health risks.

What to wear: just be comfortable - there'll be nothing strenuous during this meeting, it's just "getting to know you" time!

Assessment Session

This is a short session I will get a good understanding of what your current level of fitness is, which will provide a benchmark for designing your personal training plan and measuring progress; it will also confirm that you are healthy enough to exercise.  I may ask you to see your doctor for confirmation that you’re fit to exercise and for any specific guidance.

During this session you will have a number of assessments.  Some will be static (ie you don't have to do much), such as taking your weight, height and blood pressure.  Others will be active (you may get sweaty!).  Tests will be selected based on what your goals are and what you would like to achieve.  They are personal to you and some of the tests may be incorporated into your training program.

You should wear clothes suitable for an exercise for the Assessment Session; trainers, shorts/jogging bottoms, t-shirt or a vest.  I may advise you on additional kit that might be suitable to you based on feedback from the session.

As part of this session, you will be taught your warm up and cool down routines.

Personal Training Sessions

In the first session I will teach you a routine that you can do on your own.  I will advise on intensity and duration by selecting the correct resistance, incline, duration and speed of activities for your goals.

In order to see the benefits of exercise, most people need to do something at least 2 or 3 times per week.  If you're training for a specific physical goal (eg half-marathon, trek etc), you will need to train more frequently – this will be outlined in your exercise plan and goal setting.

I will also explain your training plan and what you are expected to do in each training session.  Sticking to the plan is essential; so the plan has to be realistic – it will need to take holidays, sickness and the occasional unforeseen event into account.  Taking these things into account up-front can help me advise you on how likely you are to meet your goals and how changes to the plan might affect your ability to achieve your goals.

The plan will have assessments built in and review points where we can make adjustments.  You will be given a copy of the plan: if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Subsequently, some sessions will be teaching sessions of lower intensity where you will learn new exercises and routines.  Other sessions will be "cheerleading" where the intensity will be increased and my role will be to encourage you to push yourself!  Sometimes I will rein you in: over-training can be very detrimental to health and can severely affect progress.

Any equipment you have access to can be worked into sessions (where appropriate).

During sessions you will need to be dressed appropriately: trainers, shorts or jogging bottoms and a vest of t-shirt.  Where we train outside, I will carry water, a phone, a first aid kit and any other equipment that's required.

Between Personal Training Sessions

The plan will include sessions for you to do on your own.  The closer you manage to stick to the plan, the greater the chance that you will achieve your goals.

In the Assessment Session there will be a discussion about how I can keep you motivated and engaged; you will have the opportunity to specify how I can contact you and when  (eg text, email or phone).  Keeping notes on how your own sessions go and sharing them with me when we meet or catch up will also prove helpful in assessing how effective the plan is and working any changes that you might need into it.


  1. This is really good Andy. It's very thorough and well summarised. I read it all because I'm interested, but to most normal people it's a block of writing, which may work better as bullet points.

    Also, as I used to work as a Communications Officer, I noticed some technical words, which you may wish to translate into an every day word, such as, "Chat" rather than "Consultation" / or some words can be shortened such as "if" rather than "whether".

    As I've only just started seeing clients, it's helped me in visualising a flow chart or a process that I would go through with my clients. And it's a mandate for the client to sign up to, so everyone knows what to expect.

    Well done Andy.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read it! Looking at it on the screen, it is a bit of a monolith! And I agree, a chattier format is much better suited to the blog (this page was copied form the website, where perhaps it's style is better suited). I reckon I should have done this as three separate, chattier, more friendly postings. I'll probably review it at some point and re-post!

  2. Great looking site sir!, hoping the spring sunshine brings plenty of happy people to train! - Jim
