Tuesday 26 February 2013

Efficient Exercise

I'm finding that I am having to work my exercise routine around when I can fit it in, and at the moment, I'm having to fit some sessions into about 35 minutes.

Normally, when designing sessions for clients, I plan for about an hour, but you'll notice from my website that I offer sessions for 30 minutes. Primarily, these are targeted at beginners, but they could just as easily be for more experienced exercisers.

So what's squeezing my time right now? I'm having to do some exercise of a lunchtime and I get an hour for lunch. It takes about 15 minutes to get to and from the gym - I walk as fast as I can on the way so that I'm as warm as possible before I arrive. It takes a few minutes to change and then it's into a few minutes warm-up. Then I get into the main routine.

If its CV I want, then I know I can do a really effective 20 minute intervals workout that'll really challenge me … although I'll need to allow more time to cool down: I don't want to be still hot and sweaty when I get back to work (I will have a shower, but if I'm still hot, I'll be sweating ten minutes after I've stopped running).

If is a weights session, I'll do a really intense total body circuit, with only 30 seconds between sets. Or I might do an up body super-setting front and back exercises with minimal rest between sets to pack it all in!  Some days I might do two short sessions rather than one long session. 

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