Monday 18 March 2013

Handstand on Clevedon Pier

Only a small update on Project Handstand: EVIDENCE!

Here's a photo of me doing a handstand on a very windy Clevedon Pier. It was too windy for the best shot, where I'd be handstanding on the main deck.

It was slightly sheltered here, so I managed something between 5 and 10 seconds before the overbalance occurred and I collapsed in an undignified heap.

I think learning to exit form a handstand when over balancing is the next thing to learn: it'll encourage me to do them EVERYWHERE if there isn't a resounding THUNK! afterwards.


  1. Very inpressive! I'd like to do that.

  2. Thanks David! It's taken months to get this far; progress comes in fits and starts - but it's fun and seems to be really good for my core stability. I do have to watch that my shoulders don't end up raised - I'm trying to throw in pull-ups to a balance things up a bit.
