Thursday 7 February 2013

My Favourite Form of Training

My favourite form of training is largely based around circuits - which is what most Boot Camps are based around. I'll design a set of circuits for myself and stick to them for four weeks; each week I up the volume (the amount of time) and at the end of the period I'll design a new set of exercises as a circuit with an increased intensity (heavier weights, more complex movements and higher heart-rate).

The key thing is having a plan and knowing what I'll do each session before I even get to the gym or studio. I find that if I go without a plan that I don't tend to work as hard as I should. If I have a plan and know exercise y follows exercise x, I can keep intensity as high as I need to and control my rest periods.

The other advantage is I know just has fast and far I should run or cycle and just how heavy and how many times I should lift a weight. I know that the first week of my plan shouldn't feel too tough, but the last week ought to be absolute murder! And all the while I am thinking about what the next four week period will contain.

Lastly, having a plan with consistent activities in it allows me to track progression over the weeks - and for some staple exercises to track progression over the months - and adapt accordingly when I plateaux. It can be incredibly useful to maintain some kind of diary of what you do, when, how much/long/fast/heavy and how you felt afterwards.

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