Tuesday 18 December 2012

Weighing on your mind?

The problem with any weight loss strategy is that you cannot stop eating!

Obviously, this can cause problems when dieting, when trying to lose weight through never use or using a combination of the two. Often people over-compensate for the energy expended during exercise by eating too much ("I've earned this"). Many people also drink energy drinks while exercising - these are fatal to weight loss as they almost certainly have a calorie content greater than the energy expended and the calories ingested wont register on the brain's feeding centre … as a result you may feel even hungrier after exercise and drinking these sugary drinks than simply on exercise alone as they can spike insulin levels.

Many people become discouraged with weight loss if it doesn't happen quickly. Others abandon the process after losing a lot of weight initially and the plateauing. Those that do best are those that work to a gradual, sustainable weight management programme and gradually make behavioural changes.

That is why I partner with a professional counsellor to tackle the psychological aspects of diet and weight management to help tackle the mind as well as the body.

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