Sunday 9 December 2012

The Evening Run

I've just got back from me weekend run. Sundays (usually in the morning) are my long run day - in the summer this will be about 15-20km, in the winter I usually try and keep a 10k banked - I don't like the cold and dark!

In the winter I'll do lots if endurance leg work, lots of repetitions with lighter weights (12-15 repetitions plus with 30-60 seconds rest between sets), to keep my energy systems from atrophying. Training this way encourages lactic acid build up, which in turn keeps my body's aerobic energy system in tip-top shape as it keeps my heart and lungs strong, my capillaries open and my cells' tiny power stations (mitochondria) busy.

So it's back home, stretch out, the mandatory handstand followed by a bath.

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