Thursday 6 February 2014

When Was The Last Time You Changed Your Routine?

A few minutes on the upright bike, a few weights, some crunches and a wee stretch at the end and you're done!  Or are you?  While you may be perfectly satisfied with your routine, and many follow the same routine for years, you might be missing out on boosting your progress - you might not even be making any progress - or worse: performing exactly the same movements day and day out might actually be storing up joint problems.

Perhaps you're one of those into "muscle confusion"?  Doing something different every session with the idea that if your muscles don't know what's about to hit them that they'll adapt more quickly?  Such routines can feel like hard work or they might feel easy, but without a plan and some baselines (which involves having some fixed elements to your routine), you'll never know what works and what works against you.

While changing your routine might seem easy, what people don't realise is that it's best to do it in an organised and planned manner - thinking about how to measure whether the changes are successful or counter productive.  Personal Trainers can teach you how to work a balanced routine, how to modify the routine and how to monitor how your routine is working.  A Personal Trainer will always ensure that your programme is safe and balanced - what's more (provided you're dedicated and stick to the plan), you needn't see your Personal Trainer every week!

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