Monday 22 July 2013

Route Details for Clevedon to Filton Run

The Route

I'll start form Nan's plaque on the pier, then run uphill towards Lady Bay, then back down towards Clevedon town, but head out towards Tickenham.  From there it's pretty much all uphill for a few miles before I'm at the top in an undulating terrain.  I descent slightly towards to Clifton Suspension Bridge, then head up hill again to find Coldharbour Lane - from there it's pretty even until the end.


The run is approximately 28.42km (nearly 18 miles).  I'll cycle the route a week or so before hand to try and spot any problems (other than the hills).  I'll have a more accurate distance then.


The deck of the pier is 14m above sea level and the end point (Filton Church) is only 85m above sea level.  The highest I'll reach is 162m above sea level, but in total I will climb 204m.

Route on Map My Run


If any of that impressed you in any way - or you feel that Alzheimer's Society is a worth cause - please visit my Just Giving page here:

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