Sunday 21 July 2013

Clevedon to Filton run for Alzheimer's Society

I've been doing some training for a special run I want to do to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society.  You can see details of the event here:  I'll post updates on this blog as well.

I'd dithered about starting the Just Giving page because I'd had a bit of an injury: I've moved from being heel-strike runner (ie hitting the ground with my heel first) to being a mid-foot strike runner.  I'd missed a few interim runs and then went into the same long run that I would have done if I'd stuck to the plan - and basically over did it and gave myself a bit of Achilles tendonitis.  Only rest, ice and elevation helped (and a little bit of ibuprofen).  I'm fine now ... and can again look at doing this run!

Your money will go so much farther if you sponsor my run as ALD Automotive (the day job) will double whatever I raise - so please follow the link and donate!


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