Monday 6 May 2013

I'm starting a new Circuits Class!

New Circuits Class

I’m going to be starting a Circuits class on 4th June in St Michaels Church Hall in Kingswood (there’s a map at the bottom of the blog entry). 

Circuits are one of my favourite ways of training with a group – each class is a little bit different from the last and there are plenty of different formats to choose from.  I love the fact that you are never quite sure what you’re going to get: one week it can have a heavy CV focus, the week after it might be more resistance focussed, then the week after it can be a real mixture.  Sometimes you’ll be in pairs, other times on your own.  Sometimes there’ll be equipment and others there will be very little kit.

Classes can be a great way to learn how to do exercises safely and efficiently; I’ll give pointers on improving technique for safety and effectiveness, adjusting the exercise to make it easier or harder for you and giving encouragement and instruction.

The classes can be a great way to meet people who just want to get fit and don’t have any pretensions, just wanting to have fun and sweaty!

Contact Me!

If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, call 0775 663 2646 or you can drop an email to

St Michaels Church Hall, Kingswood, Bristol, BS151BQ

View St Michaels Church Hall, Kingswood in a larger map

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