Saturday 4 May 2013

A bit of silliness: and award ceremony for carbohydrates!

The award for the Carb Most Likely To Turn You Orange goes to the Sweet Potato.

The award for Best Accompaniment to Curry goes to White Rice!

The award for Outstanding Cultural Icon goes to Pasta!

The gong for Best Carbohydrate for Muscle Gain goes to Egg Noodles!

The award for Underpinning Western Civilisation Since The Dawn Of Time goes to Wheat!

The award for Most Likely to Reduce Blood Pressure, goes to Sweet Potato.  (so you change from being blood vessel red to Dale Winton Orange!)

The award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Wheat!

The award for Best Supporting Carb for Weight Loss goes to Baked Potato.

Finally, the award for Most Nutritionally Balanced Carbohydrate goes to ... Wholegrain Bread!

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