Monday 14 January 2013

Update on Project Handstand

At last! Something is beginning to really click!

Yesterday I was able to hold an unsupported handstand for about 10 seconds!

I've managed a few since of about 6 seconds, so they are a but more than fakes (ones where you kind of get up vertical and then it's just the initial moment before a collapse); 10 seconds isn't a brilliant time, and I still require the wall to catch me after most of my kicks before returning to a freestanding, but this is a definite stand and I am dead proud.

It's since I incorporated practice poses like "the crow" that has caused my head to finally click on what was required and where the weight had to be in my hands (I "knew" that it needed to be somewhere nearer my fingertips, but I didn't actually Know!). Things like the headstand, whilst not being very pleasant and making my neck ache, taught me about how to align my body.

Physically, my core is stronger and my posture has improved. The is some additional strength in my back, chest, triceps and shoulders. And I get a buzz from being see the progress I've made - even if it is slower than I'd hoped.

I reckon that I'll really be getting on with handstands soon! I the summer I'm going to get pictures of me dong a handstand wherever I go as proof!

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