Thursday 15 May 2014

Brighton Marathon Photos

Photos taken by the Alzheimer's Society during the Brighton Marathon - probably about 5 miles from the end.  Brings be memories.  I look a state, but that's because it's hard work!  The chap I ran with is in the photo set, but his number is hidden :(

Thursday 8 May 2014

Always Wear Hat in the Sun

Andy went out for a run
Which he thought exceedingly fun
    But no hat did he wear
    And 'cause he'd no hair
Was burnt to a crisp by the sun

Gin Gym

Martha went oft to the gym
Hoping to become very thin
    She'd work out all day
    As often as she may
But her water was actually gin

Wednesday 7 May 2014

An Ode to Deadlifts

Deadlifts sound so very grim
But believe me, sir, they'll make you thin
By working on those gluts and thighs
They'll help you to reduce in size
And though by mass you'll be a loser
Soon you'll be wearing a looser ... trooser