Tuesday 31 December 2013

Started Training for the Brighton Marathon!

Well, I've started my training for the Brighton Marathon.  I do have kind of a head start in that I'm still pretty fit from he summer run from Clevedon to Filton and my PB at the Bristol Half Marathon.  Having said that, I'm starting with a distance of 7.5 miles - that's the best I could do last Saturday!

There is just about enough time to train and be fit enough to complete the marathon.  I will say that I'm dreading it!  I love running, but two hours is currently the upper limit of "comfort", mentally, a marathon is quite a different affair: it's going to be around four hours.

Again, I'm taking advantage of Society Generale's generous contribution that will match donations made in support of my fund raising by up to £500.  I've done a separate Just Giving page (http://www.justgiving.com/AndySkingsley), as it'll make getting the donation from Soc Gen easier.